
998 Count-bishopland earl bishop Sigifredo Adalberto
1032 earl bishop Pietro Milanese
1038 earl bishop Riccardo Capuano
1041 earl bishop Ivone
1045 december earl bishop Guido
1048 9 august earl bishop Dionigi
1077 21 september earl bishop Maurizio
1089 earl bishop Bonizzone
1091 earl bishop Winrico
1096 earl bishop Aldo Gabrielli
1122 earl bishop Arduino
1126 Free Common
1253 Lordship - dinasty Pallavicino sire Oberto (I)
1257 26 july dinasty Fontana sire Alberto
1260 dinasty Pallavicino sire Oberto (II)
1266 Free Common
1271 Lordship - dinasty Anjou sire Carlo king of Napoli
1281 Free Common
1290 june Lordship - dinasty Scoto sire Alberto (I)
1304 4 december Free Common
1307 24 july Lordship - dinasty Scoto sire Alberto (II)
1308 january dinasty Della Torre sire Guido
1309 6 may dinasty Scoto sire Alberto (III)
1310 Free Common
1312 18 march dinasty Scoto sire Alberto (IV)
1313 dinasti Visconti sire Galeazzo sire of Milano
1322 9 october Church Territory
1335 25 july Lordship - dinasty Scoto sire Francesco
1336 15 december dinastu Visconti sire Azzone sire of Milan
1339 17 august sire Luchino sire of Milan
1349 24 january sire Giovanni sire of Milan
1354 6 october sire Matteo II sire of Milan
1355 26 september sire Galeazzo II sire of Milan
1378 4 august sire Bernaḅ sire of Milan
1385 6 may sire Gian Galeazzo sire of Milan
1402 3 september sire Giovanni Maria duke of Milan
1404 1 october dinasty Terzi sire Ottobono
1410 10 november dinasty Vignati sire Giovanni
1414 january dinasty Visconti sire Filippo Maria duke of Milan
1415 21 october dinasty Arcelli sire Filippo
1418 13 june Union to Duchy of Milan
1512 24 june Church Territory
1545 24 august Union to Duchy of Parma

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