
816 Count earl Anteram
833 earl Marius
843 earl Rothackar
870 earl Otto
894 earl Ambrose
918 earl Lintolf
919 earl Suppone
921 earl Giselbert I
930 earl Lanfranc I
962 earl Giselbert II
1018 earl Lanfranc II
1026 earl Arduin I
1058 earl Arduin II
1064 earl Rainier
1066 earl Ariald
1079 earl Giselbert III
1093 earl Albert
1101 earl Reginer
1110 Free Common
1264 Lordship - dinasty Della Torre sire Filippo
1265 sire Napoleone
1277 Free Common
1301 may Lordship - dinasty Visconti sire Matteo
1302 june dinasty Scoto sire Alberto
1304 may dinasty Della Scala sire Manfredo
1321 sire Federico
1332 20 september dinasty Visconti sire Azzone sire of Milan
1339 17 august sire Luchino sire of Milan
1349 24 january sire Giovanni sire of Milan
1354 6 october sire Matteo II sire of Milan
1355 26 september sire Galeazzo II sire of Milan
1378 4 august sire Bernaḅ sire of Milan
1385 6 may sire Gian Galeazzo duke of Milan
1402 3 september duke Giovanni Maria duke of Milan
1407 Lordship - dinasty Soardi sire Giovanni Ruggero
1408 dinasty Malatesta sire Pandolfo
1419 dinasty Visconti sire Filippo Maria duke of Milan
1428 july Union to Republic of Venice

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