
1020 Baronnie - dinasty Coucy baron Leon
1037 baron Alberic
1071 baron Dreux
1086 baron Enguerand I
1116 baron Thomas
1130 baron Enguerand II
1148 baron Raoul I
1191 baron Enguerand III
1242 baron Raoul II
1250 baron Enguerand IV
1311 dinasty Gent baron Enguerand V
1321 baron William
1335 baron Enguerand VI
1347 baron Enguerand VII earl of Soissons
1397 barones Marie earles of Soissons
1400 dunasty Valois-Orleans baron Louis duke of Orleans
1407 dinasty Gent barones Isabelle
1411 dinasty Bar baron Robert
1415 barones Jeannne
1462 dinasty Luxembourg baron John VII
1482 baron Pierre
1482 barones Marie
1546 dinasty Bourbon baron John
1557 dinasty Bourbon-Condé baron Louis
1569 baron Charles
1591 Union to Kingdom of France

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