Bishop of Speyer

610 Bishopland Bishop Athanasius
650 Bishop Principius
659 Bishop Dragbodo
700 Bishop Otto
709 Bishop Siegwin I
725 Bishop Luido
743 Bishop David
760 Bishop Basinus
775 Bishop Siegwin II
802 Bishop Otto I
810 Bishop Fraido
814 Bishop Benedict
830 Bishop Bertin
847 Bishop Gebhard I
881 Bishop Goddank
895 Bishop Eginhard
914 Bishop Bernhard
923 Bishop Amalrich
944 Bishop Reginwalt
950 Bishop Godfried
960 Bishop Odgar
970 Bishop Baldrich
987 Bishop Rupprecht
1004 Bishop Walther
1031 Bishop Sigfried I
1032 Bishop Reinher
1033 Bishop Reginhard II von Dillingen
1039 Bishop Sigbodo I
1051 Bishop Arnold I von Falkenberg
1056 Bishop Konrad I
1060 Bishop Eginhard II von Katzenellenbogen
1067 Bishop Heinrich I von Scharseneck
1073 Bishop Rudiger von Hussmann
1090 Bishop Johann I von Kraichgau
1105 Bishop Gebhard II of Urach
1107 Bishop Bruno of Saarbrucken
1124 Bishop Arnold II of Leiningen
1127 Bishop Sigfried II of Wolfsonden
1146 Bishop Gunther of Henneberg
1161 Bishop Ulrich I von Duermenz
1164 Bishop Gottfried II
1167 Bishop Rabodo of Lobdaburg
1176 Bishop Konrad II
1178 Bishop Ulrich II von Rechberg
1187 Bishop Otto II (III) of Henneberg
1200 Bishop Konrad III von Scharseneck
1224 Bishop Beringer von Entringen
1233 Bishop Konrad IV von Dahn
1237 Bishop Konrad V of Eberstein
1245 Bishop Heinrich II of Leiningen
1272 Bishop Friedrich von Bolanden
1302 Bishop Sigbodo II von Lichtenberg
1314 Bishop Emicho of Leiningen
1328 Bishop Berthold of Bucheck
1328 Bishop Walram of Veldenz
1336 Bishop Gerhard von Ehrenberg
1364 Bishop Lambert von Brunn
1372 Bishop Adolf of Nassau
1390 Bishop Nikolas aus Wiesbaden
1396 Bishop Rhabanus von Helmstadt
1438 Bishop Reinhard von Helmstadt
1456 Bishop Sigfried III von Venningen
1459 Bishop Johann III Nix von Hoheneck
1464 Bishop Matthias von Rammingen
1478 Bishop Ludwig von Helmstadt
1504 Bishop Philipp I von Rosenberg
1513 Bishop Georg of the Rheinpfalz
1529 Bishop Philipp II von Florsheim
1552 Bishop Rudolf von Frankenstein
1560 Bishop Marquard von Hartstein
1581 Bishop Eberhard von Dienheim
1610 Bishop Philipp Christoph von Sotern
1652 Bishop Lothar Friedrich von Metternich p.e. of Trier
1675 16 july Johann Hugo Freiherr von Orsbeck
1711 6 february Heinrich Harthart von Rollingen
1719 30 november Damian Hugo Philipp Anton Graf von Schönborn
1743 14 november Franz Christoph von Hutzen zu Stolzenberg
1770 29 may Damian August Philipp of Limburg-Vehlen-Styrum
1797 20 april Philipp Franz Wilderich von Walderdorf
1802 22 november Union to Principality Electoral of Pfalz

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