Bishop of Regensburg

739 Bishopland Bishop Garibald
752 Bishop Sigerich
772 Bishop Sigubert
791 Bishop Adalwin
817 Bishop Baderich
847 Bishop Erkenfried
864 Bishop Emmerich
891 Bishop Aspert
893 Bishop Tuto
930 Bishop Isengrim
941 Bishop Michael
972 Bishop Wolfgang I von Pfullingen
994 Bishop Gebhard I of Swabia
1023 Bishop Gebhard II von Hohenwart
1036 bishop Gebhard III of Franconia
1060 bishop Otto von Rietenburg
1089 bishop Gebhard IV von Hohenlohe
1106 bishop Hartwig I von Ortenburg
1126 bishop Konrad I
1132 bishop Heinrich I von Wolfrathshausen
1155 bishop Hartwig II von Ortenburg
1164 bishop Eberhard of Swabia
1167 bishop Konrad II von Raitenbuch
1185 bishop Gottfried
1186 bishop Konrad III von Laichlingen
1204 bishop Konrad IV von Trisbach-Frontenhausen
1227 bishop Siegfried, Rhinegraf
1296 bishop Konrad V von Luppurg
1313 bishop Nikolaus von Stachowitz
1340 bishop Heinrich III von Stein
1345 bishop Friedrich I of Nürnberg
1368 bishop Konrad VI von Haimberg
1381 bishop Dietrich von Abensberg
1384 bishop Johann I von Moosburg
1409 bishop Albrecht III Stauff von Stauffenberg
1421 bishop Johann II von Streitberg
1428 bishop Konrad VII von Rehlingen aus Soest
1437 bishop Friedrich II von Parsberg
1450 bishop Friedrich III von Blankenfels
1457 bishop Ruprecht II of Palatinate-Mosbach
1465 bishop Heinrich IV von Abensberg
1482 bishop Ruprecht III of Palatinate-Simmern
1507 bishop Johann III of the Rhine Palatinate bishop of Speyer
1538 bishop Pancratius Sinzenhofer
1548 bishop Georg von Pappenheim
1563 bishop Veit von Frauenberg
1567 bishop David Kolderer aus Burgstall
1579 bishop Philipp Wilhelm of Bavaria
1598 bishop Sigismund Friedrich von Fugger
1600 bishop Wolfgang II von Hausen
1613 bishop Albrecht IV von Törring
1649 bishop Franz Wilhelm von Wartenberg
1661 bishop Johann Georg von Herberstein
1663 bishop Adam Lorenz von Törring
1666 bishop Guidobald von Thun
1668 bishop Albreet Sigismund of Bavaria bishop of Freiburg
1685 bishop Joseph Clemens Herzog von Bayern p.e. of Koln
1716 26 march bishop August Clemens Herzog von Bayern
1719 29 july bishop Johann Theodor Herzog von Bayern p.e. of Koln
1763 27 january bishop Clemens Wenzel von Sachsen
1769 18 january bishop Anton Ignaz Joseph Graf Fugger-Glött
1788 26 may bishop Maximilian Procop Graf von Törring-Jettenbach
1790 1 march bishop Joseph Konrad Graf von Schroffenberg-Mös
1802 26 november Karl Christian Ernst Graf von Benzel-Sternau
1802 1 december Benedict Joseph Graf von Thurn und Valsassina
1802 30 december prince-bishop Karl Theodor Anton Maria Freiherr von Dalberg
1806 6 august 6° Electoral Principality p.e.-bishop Karl Theodor Anton Maria Freiherr von Dalberg bishop of Worms
1810 9 may Union to Kingdom of Bavaria

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