
1127 Count - dinasty Tecklenburg Ekberto
1150 Enrico I
1155 Simone
1202 Enrico II
1226 Ottone I
1263 dinasty Olanda earl Ottone II earl of Bentheim
1279 Ottone III
1285 Ottone IV
1307 Ottone V
1328 dinasty Schwerin Nicola I earl of Schwerin
1367 Ottone VI
1388 Nicola II
1426 Ottone VII
1450 Nicola III
1508 Ottone VIII
1534 Corrado
1557 Count of Count of Bentheim
1623 dinasty Bentheim Maurizio
1674 John Adolfo
1704 Federico Maurizio
1710 Maurizio Casimiro
1729 Union to Markgraft of Brandenburg
1918 9 november Union to German State of Lower Saxony

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