Holy Roman Empire

800 25 december Empire - dinasty Carolingi Karl I
814 28 january Ludovico I
840 20 june Lotario I
855 29 september Ludovico II
875 12 august Karl II
877 6 october vacant
880 6 january Karl III
888 13 january vacant
891 21 february dinasty Spoleto Guido I
894 december Lamberto I
896 22 february dinasty Carolingi Arnolfo I
899 8 december vacant
901 15 february dinasty Bouvines Ludovico III
905 august vacant
915 5 december dinasty Friuli Berengario I
924 5 deicembre dinasty Saxe Enrico I
936 Ottone I
973 Ottone II
983 Ottone III
1002 Enrico II
1024 dinasty Salici Corrado II
1039 Enrico III
1056 Enrico IV
1106 Enrico V
1125 dinasty Supplimburgo Lotario II
1138 dinasty Hohenstaufen Corrado III
1152 Federico I
1190 Enrico VI
1197 dinasty Brunswick Ottone IV
1212 dinasty Hohenstaufen Federico II
1250 Corrado IV
1254 vacant
1257 dinasty Angio'-Plantageneti e dinasty Castiglia Riccarod e Alfonso X
1273 dinasty Asburgo Rudolf I
1291 dinasty Nassau Adolfo I
1298 dinasty Asburgo Albrecht I
1308 dinasty Luxemburg Enrico VII
1313 dinasty Wittelsbach Ludovico IV
1347 dinasty Luxemburg Karl IV
1378 Venceslao I
1410 Sigismondo I
1438 dinasty Asburgo Albrecht II
1439 Federico IV
1493 Maximilian I
1519 Karl V
1558 Ferdinand I
1564 Maximilian II
1576 2 november Rudolf II
1612 20 january Mattia I
1619 20 march Ferdinand II
1637 15 february Ferdinand III
1657 2 april Leopoldo I
1705 5 may Joseph I
1711 22 december Karl VI
1740 20 october dinasty Wittelsbach Karl VII
1745 20 january dinasty Asburgo-Lorena Franz I
1765 18 august Joseph II
1790 20 february Leopoldo III
1792 1 march Franz II
1806 6 august End of Empire

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