
783 10 april Bishopland Bishop Wiho I
810 Bishop Meginhard
829 Bishop Goswin
845 Bishop Gosbert
860 Bishop Egbert
887 Bishop Egilmar
906 Bishop Bernhar
919 Bishop Dodo I
949 Bishop Drogo
969 Bishop Leutholf
978 Bishop Dodo II
996 Bishop Günther
1000 Bishop Wacholf
1003 Bishop Dietmar
1023 Bishop Meginhar
1028 Bishop Gosmar
1036 Bishop Albrich
1052 Bishop Benno I
1067 Bishop Benno II
1088 Bishop Markwart
1093 Bishop Wiho II
1101 Bishop Johann I
1109 Bishop Gottschalk Von Diepholz
1119 Bishop Diethard
1137 Bishop Udo Von Steinfurt
1141 bishop Philipp Von Katzenellenbogen
1173 bishop Arno Von Altena
1192 bishop Gerhard Von Wildeshausen
1216 bishop Adolf Von Tecklenburg
1224 bishop Engelbert I Von Isenburg (I)
1226 bishop Otto I
1227 bishop Konrad I von Veltberg
1238 bishop Engelbert I Von Isenburg (II)
1250 bishop Bruno Von Isenburg
1259 bishop Baldwin Von Russel
1265 bishop Wittekind Von Waldeck
1269 bishop Konrad II Von Rietberg
1297 bishop Ludwig Von Ravensberg
1309 bishop Engelbert II Von Weike
1321 bishop Gottfried Von Arnsberg arcibishop of Brema
1349 bishop Johann II Hud
1366 bishop Melchior Von Braunschweig-Grubenhagen
1376 bishop Dietrich Von Horn
1402 bishop Heinrich Von Holstein
1404 bishop Otto II Von Hoya
1424 bishop Johann III Von Diepholz
1437 bishop Eric I Von Hoya
1450 bishop Albrecht Von Hoya
1453 bishop Rudolf Von Diepholz
1455 bishop Konrad III Von Diepholz
1482 bishop Konrad IV Von Rietberg bishop of Munster
1508 bishop Eric II Von Braunschweig-Luneburg bishop of Munster
1532 bishop Franz Von Waldeck
1553 bishop Johann IV Von Hoya
1574 bishop Heinrich III Von Saxe-Lauenburg
1585 bishop Wilhelm Von Scheniang
1585 bishop Bernhard II Von Waldeck
1591 bishop Philipp Sigismund Von Braunschweig-Luneburg
1623 bishop Eitel Friedrich Von Hohenzollern
1625 bishop Franz Wilhelm Von Wartenberg
1634 bishop Franz Wilhelm Von Wartenberg
1648 Administration of Duchy of Brunswick
1661 bishop Ernst August I Braunschweig-Lüneburg p.e. of Hannover
1698 14 april bishop Karl Joseph Ignaz Herzog von Lothringen, p.e. of Trier
1716 2 march bishop Ernst August II Herzog von Braunschweig-Lüneburg p.e. of Hannover
1728 4 november bishop Clemens Augustv Herzog von Bayern, p.e. of Koln
1761 6 february Principality of Elector of Hannover
1802 10 november Union to Principality Electoral of Hannover
1815 Principality of King of Hannover
1918 Union tol German State of Lower Saxony

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