Lippe (Lippe-Detmold)

1123 Count earl Bernard I
1158 earl Herman I
1160 earl Bernard II
1196 earl Herman II and Bernard II
1224 earl Herman II
1229 earl Bernard III and Simon
1265 earl Herman III, Bernard IV and Simon
1274 earl Bernard IV and Simon
1275 earl Simon I and Simon
1277 earl Simon I
1344 earl Simon II
1344 earl Otto and Bernard V
1360 earl Simon III and Bernard V
1365 earl Simon III
1410 earl Bernard VI
1415 earl Simon IV
1430 earl Bernard VII
1511 earl Simon V
1536 earl Bernard VIII
1563 earl Simon VI
1613 Count of Lippe-Detmold earl Simon VII
1627 earl Simon Louis
1636 earl Simon Philip
1650 earl John Bernard
1652 earl Herman Adolph
1666 earl Simon Henry
1697 22 may earl Friedrich Adolf
1718 18 july earl Simon Heinrich Adolf
1720 27 october Principality prince Simon Heinrich Adolf
1734 12 october prince Simon August
1782 1 may prince Friedrich Wilhelm Leopold I
1802 4 april prince Leopold II
1851 1 january prince Leopold III
1875 8 december prince Woldemar
1895 20 march prince Alexander
1905 13 january prince Leopold Graf zur Lippe-Biesterfeld
1905 25 october prince Leopold IV
1918 12 november Union to German State of Lower Saxony

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