
1085 Count - dinasty Bliesgau earl Folmar I
1111 earl Folmar II
1142 earl Ugo
1155 earl Dietrich I
1180 earl Friedrich I
1204 earl Dietrich II
1234 earl Friedrich II
1274 earl Philipp
1284 earl Corrado
1340 earl Arnoldo
1398 earl John
1449 Union to Count of Saar
1583 Landgraft - dinasty Hesse landgraft Giorgio I landgraft of Darmstadt
1596 landgraft Friedrich I
1638 landgraft Guglielmo Cristoforo
1669 landgraft Giorgio Cristiano
1677 landgraft Friedrich II
1708 24 january landgraft Friedrich III
1746 8 june landgraft Friedrich IV
1751 7 february landgraft Friedrich V
1820 20 january landgraft Friedrich VI
1829 2 april landgraft Ludwig
1839 19 january landgraft Philipp
1846 15 december landgraft Gustav
1848 8 september landgraft Ferdinand
1866 24 march Union to Greatduchy of Hesse-Darmstadt

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