
1220 Bishopland bishop Gerold von Reichersdorf
1230 bishop Konrad I von Tölz-Hohenburg
1258 bishop Konrad II von Wittelsbach
1279 bishop Ferry de Montauban
1283 bishop Emich of Veldenz
1311 bishop Gottfried von Greiffenberg
1314 bishop Konrad III Sendlinger
1322 bishop Johann I von Güttingen
1324 bishop Konrad IV von Klingenberg
1340 bishop Johann II Gryfe von Zesterfleth
1349 bishop Albrecht von Hohenburg-Haigerloch
1359 bishop Paul von Harrach
1377 bishop Leopold von Sturmberg
1381 bishop Berthold von Vaihingen
1410 bishop Degenhard von Weichs
1411 bishop Konrad V von Hebenstreit
1412 bishop Armand de Cilly
1421 bishop Nicodemo Della Scala
1443 bishop Heinrich II von Schlick
1448 bishop Johann III Grünwalder
1453 bishop Johann IV Tulbeck
1473 bishop Sixtus von Tannenberg
1495 bishop Ruprecht of the Rhine Palatinate
1499 bishop Philipp of the Rhine Palatinate
1541 bishop Heinrich III of the Rhine Palatinate
1552 bishop Leo Losch von Hilkershausen
1559 bishop Moritz von Sandizell
1566 bishop Ernest of Wittelsbach p.e. Koln
1612 bishop Stephan von Seiboltsdorf
1618 bishop Veit Adam von Gebeck
1652 bishop Albrecht Sigismund of Wittelsbach
1685 bishop Joseph Clemens of Wittelsbach p.e. Koln
1695 29 january bishop Johann Franz Ecker von Kapfing-Lichteneck
1727 23 february bishop Johann Theodor Herzog von Bayern bishop of Liege
1763 18 april bishop Clemens Wenzel von Sachsen
1769 23 january bishop Ludwig Joseph von Welden
1788 26 may bishop Maximilian Procop Graf von Törring- Jettenbach
1790 1 march bishop Joseph Konrad Graf von Schroffenberg-Mös
1803 4 april Union to Kingdom of Bavaria

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