Pontus Kingdom

337 b.C. Kingdom Mithridates of Cius
302 b.C. Mithridates I
266 b.C. Ariobarzanes
255 b.C. Mithridates II
220 b.C. Mithridates III
185 b.C. Pharnaces I
170 b.C. Mithridates IV
150 b.C. Mithridates V
121 b.C. Mithridates VI
63 b.C. Pharnaces II king of Bosporus
47 b.C. Ariarates
39 b.C. Darius
37 b.C. Polemon I
8 b.C. Pythodoris
19 Artaxias
38 Polemon II
64 Roman provence

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